Sunday, January 14, 2007

Books and memories

I just finished The Know-It-All by A.J. Jacobs. It is a hilarious book. I read the copy in the Recreational Reading collection of the library where I work but when I just added the link to this post from Library Thing, I found I have a copy in my own collection (duh). I hate to admit this but something similar has happened recently as well. Similar in that I don't always know or remember about everything I buy. I belong to a few book clubs, One Spirit, Homestyle, and QPB. At the end of 2006 they had sales and don't pay until March offers, so I couldn't resist and stacked up on some books I had been wanting for the long holiday break. I really wanted Strength Training for Women because I am going to start to exercise more and I needed some inspiration. Well, I bought it from two different clubs. I have two copies.
This post isn't going where I planned. The title was not suggesting books and loss of memory. Oh well, sometimes blog posts have a will of their own. I suppose this story had to be told. Yes, I have more books that I can even keep track up using tools like Library Thing and my own brain. Every time I read a book, it leads me to more books that I want to read. In The Know-It-All, Jacobs reads the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica. Now I am eyeing my own copy. Maybe I could try it too. It only took him a year.

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